Cloudflare integration
What is Cloudflare?
Cloudflare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) which enables load balancing by serving the files from the server location closest to the user. It ensures that applications are delivered reliably and securely, with traffic routed to the appropriate IP addresses.
The service can be combined with Buddy and Amazon Web Services to enhance security of your applications with SSL certificates and Cloudflare’s DDoS attacks protection.
By adding the Cloudflare action at the end of your pipeline, you can configure Buddy to automatically invalidate Cloudflare’s cache upon every deployment:
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Setting up Cloudflare integration
As the first step, navigate to the Integrations tab and click New integration.
Look up and click Cloudflare (you can find it in the PaaS section):
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- The configuration window will appear:
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Here, you need to provide:
- integration name
- Access Token or the API Key depending on the authorization method you have decided on.
- Once configured, simply click the New integration button to be able to use Cloudflare in your workspace.
Retrieving the access token
- Navigate to and click Create Token:
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- Scroll down to Custom token and click Get started:
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- Create a token with, at least, those two permissions:
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- Copy the generated key and paste it in the Cloudflare Token field of the configuration window in Buddy.
Obtaining the API key
- Provide your Cloudflare account email in the integration configuration window:
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Navigate to or click Get API key in the configuration window.
Click the View button next to the Global API key and copy it:
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- Paste the key in the API key field of the configuration window.
📚 Learn more about Cloudflare action features, integrations and alternatives.
Last modified on Jan 29, 2025