Backblaze integration

What is Backblaze?

Backblaze is a cloud storage solution for media hosting, backups, and building applications using S3-compatible APIs. It lets users store and access their data from any device, while also providing a desktop app for easy and convenient backup management.

Integrating Buddy with the service allows you to interact with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage directly from your CI/CD pipelines and automate deployments to buckets in it.

Image loading...Pipeline example for Backblaze integration

Setting up Backblaze integration

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab and click New integration
  2. Look up and click Backblaze:

Image loading...Backblaze integration selection

  1. A configuration window will show up:

Image loading...Backblaze integration configuration

Here you have to provide:

  • Integration name
  • Application key ID
  • Application key
You can adjust the privacy settings of your integration (i.e. who can use it and where) in the Sharing tab.
  1. Once done, click New integration to finish configuration.

Obtaining Backblaze application key

  1. Open your Backblaze B2 account and select the bucket in which you want to store your files.
  2. If you don't have any buckets yet, create one:

    Image loading...Creating bucket in Backblaze

  3. When ready, navigate to AccountApplication Keys and Add a New Application Key:

Image loading...Adding new Application Key in Backblaze storage

  1. Once the pop-up appears:
  • Provide the name for your key.
  • Specify whether the key should be able to access all buckets, or just the selected one.
  • Select the access type (Read and Write / Read Only / Write Only).
  • (Optional) Specify a prefix for files and the key duration (in seconds).

Image loading...Configuring Application Key details

  1. Click Create New Key Copy to generate the key.
Read how to configure Backblaze with YAML and Backblaze POST Parameters.

Last modified on Jan 29, 2025