About actions

Buddy offers a wide range of ready-to-use actions to accommodate for even the most complicated workflows. Most actions are simply predefined docker containers, which makes setup quick and easy.

Action types

Buddy provides a few major categories of actions.

Build actions contain a range of the most popular frameworks and build tools like Node.js, PHP, Python, .Net Core, Ruby.

Outside the basic customization options, build actions allow for customizing the Docker image that is used as well as attaching additional services like SQL, Selenium etc. .

Test actions contain a range of E2E, performance and code quality checking tools like Lighthouse, PHP CodeSniffer or Cypress.

Deploy & Remote Ops actions are usually the final step of most pipelines. Here, you'll find a wide range of transfer actions, not only to FTP and FTPS servers but also a number of cloud platforms like GCS, AWS or DigitalOcean.

Image loading...Deployment actions

Docker and K8s actions allow you to perform a bunch of Docker and Kubernetes operations like building and pushing images, running pods and K8s jobs.

AWS and GCP actions allow you to interact with two biggest cloud computing services - Amazon and Google.

Monitoring actions comprise the most popular tools for web and performance checks, such as Sentry, Datadog, New Relic, or Bugsnag. Here, you will also find a range of notification actions you can use to inform your team about pipeline progress.

Learn more about notification actions and how to use them in conditional pipeline sections here.

Last modified on Jan 29, 2025