
Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.

  • Sep 17th 2024



    • In the Slack action, you can now enter the Slack channel name manually.


    • (Standalone) Fixed: Multi-arch build action set to X64 in the ARM pipeline on the ARM worker failed.
    • Fixed: Occasionally, custom service logs did not appear in build actions.
    • Fixed: GitHub checks did not refresh GitHub token.
    • Fixed: Slack action failed when "Blocks" field contained only a variable.
    • Fixed: variable resolution in the "Blocks" field of the Slack action.
    • Fixed: If the project name started with a -, cloning files from the repository to the filesystem did not work.
    • Fixed: It was not possible to edit the Build Docker Image action in a codeless pipeline.
    • Slack
    • GitHub
    • Multiarch
    • Docker
  • Aug 27th 2024



    • Improved log when testing an action that uses an integration - now, if the integration is incorrect or doesn't exist, the correct message appears
    • When a pipeline run is skipped, a list of variables is now displayed in the Summary tab, as in any other pipeline run
    • Improved formatting of GitHub Checks
    • Slightly refreshed views: Members, Groups, Project, Team, Invite New Members


    • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect entries with inserted and deleted lines to appear on file comparison view
    • [Action: Build Docker Image] Increased waiting time for the container that builds images to start
    • Fixed a bug related to hanging and failing pipeline runs when a .git/config.lock file remained in the pipeline's filesystem
    • Integrations
    • UI
    • Docker
    • GitHub
  • Aug 13th 2024



    • Improved GIT and HTTP authorization error handling.
    • Improved the way pull requests appear in the "Run Pipeline" view.


    • Fixed: Autoretry in the TCP action.
    • Fixed: "Test connection" no longer saves action changes.
    • Fixed: gitConfigRef no longer wipes on ref change.
    • Fixed: A non-admin user who created a project could not add users to the project.
    • UI
    • GIT
    • Bugfixes
  • Aug 6th 2024



    • Pipeline list display settings can now be set per-project.
    • Pipeline run: the "From Scratch" option now also appears when the pipeline (or one of its actions) has a trigger condition based on a changeset.


    • Fixed inline tags in a table.
    • Improved error handling when processing a remote configuration YAML pipeline.
    • UI
    • YAML
    • Tags
  • Jul 30th 2024



    • Scheduled pipelines can now be set to pause after a specified number of failed runs.


    • Fixed: Standalone installation of Buddy could not add Google Playstore integration.
    • Fixed: MMB click did not work with project list sidebar.
    • Fixed: Searching for custom actions by name did not work correctly.
    • Custom Actions
    • Google
    • UI
  • Jul 23rd 2024



    • Increased the timeout for the deploy create-deployment command from 60 to 300 seconds in the AWS CodeDeploy action
    • Updated runtime list in Google Function Deploy action
    • Merging with the "squash commits" option selected generates an automatic message with a list of commits


    • gh check now only shows actions from the main section
    • Sometimes the compare view did not show all the contents of the diff - fixed
    • AWS
    • GitHub
    • GCD
  • Jul 18th 2024


    New features

    • Introducing: Advanced Permissions for Integrations
    • Resolving integrations during runtime - from now on, the integration doesn't need to exist when adding an action, it will be resolved by Identifier at action runtime


    • [Custom actions] Added support for Slack integration
    • [Custom actions] Increased the maximum number of characters in the 'Default value' field from 255 to 2500
    • Added support for MySQL service version >9 in build actions
    • If a GitHub project has an APP_RW integration, run checks will be set in commits instead of commit statuses


    • When comparing from scratch on the Compare view, all files were displayed as binary - fixed
    • Integrations
    • Custom Actions
    • Slack
    • MySQL
    • GitHub
  • Jul 9th 2024



    • Administrator profile activity now also shows actions taken in projects they are not assigned to.
    • Faster pull request listing.
    • Dotnet-8.0-sdk added to the Windows action.
    • You can now sort Sandboxes by creation date.


    • Fixed: Failing changes summary in "from-scratch" pipeline runs.
    • Fixed: The port default value did not work in some actions.
    • Fixed: MySQL 9 did not work correctly.
    • MySQL
    • Windows
    • Sandboxes
  • Jul 2nd 2024



    • Node version selection for Netify action.
    • YAML helpers moved from project settings to the YAML tab in a pipeline.
    • Improved pipeline sorting in table view.
    • Improved search and category naming conventions in the action selection.
    • Changes in who sees whom in the workspace.
    • Changes to how users' emails are displayed.


    • Fixed: Using remote project definition in YAML with a wrong project name resulted in an unclear processing error.
    • YAML
    • Netlify
    • UI/UX
  • Jun 25th 2024



    • Pipeline runs are now marked with Clear Cache and From Scratch icons when these options are used.
    • Markdown support for pipeline run descriptions.
    • MacOS actions no longer require the pipeline to have a minimum of 6GB of RAM.


    • Fixed: If a pipeline run failed and someone tried to retry it, but in the meantime, the "Required description" option was enabled in the pipeline, the retry was not possible.
    • Fixed: The Git Push action failed if the file permissions in the filesystem were changed to a different user before the action run.
    • Fixed: When selecting an unsupported version of Xcode or unsupported devices in MacOS actions, drop-down menus were displayed incorrectly.
    • Markdown
    • Cache
    • MacOS