OIDC for pipelines
In this article we provide general information about integrating CI/CD pipelines in Buddy using the OIDC (OpenID Connect) identity layer. For configuration details on a specific OIDC provider, read these articles:
How it works
CI/CD pipelines are designed to access cloud providers' resources in order to deploy software and use cloud services. To access these resources, one need to provide appropriate credentials (token or password). However, hardcoded secrets must be rotated on regular basis, and one has to ensure that nobody else is able to access them, which makes them less secure than short-living tokens, whose most popular form is OpenID Connect.
In the example below, service A (Buddy) is going to generate short-living tokens in service B (Azure). To do that, we first need to create an OIDC trust in service B (a one-time operation).
- Every time Buddy requires a token, it generates an OIDC token with claims to the Azure OIDC trust.
- Using this token service, Buddy asks Azure for a short-living credential to the Azure API.
- Azure validates the claims in the token against the rules allowed in the OIDC trust and returns a short-living token with permissions matching the request.
Benefits of OIDC authentication:
- No hardcoded secrets
- Auto-rotating credentials
- Granular control over authentication and authorization
OpenID claims
Buddy asks for a short-living token before every action involving an OIDC integration. Every request for short-living credentials contains an JWT (JSON Web Token) with a series of claims. Basing on these claims, the cloud provider performs authentication and authorization.
Example JWT token
json"header": { "alg": "RS256", "typ": "JWT", "kid": "be8e6e920c6d0971324fe704fdc3f7ddace29b6ded7495fb5830eec3953b3d69" }, "payload": { "iss": "https://oidc.buddyusercontent.com", "sub": "domain/L39J4q2VolejO3K5ajNmGQBW71", "aud": "https://app.buddy.works/domain", "iat": 1676623065620, "exp": 1676626665620, "nbf": 1676623065619, "jti": "9b9c0df8-7368-47f5-9102-c6d3cae33121", "workspace_domain": "domain", "workspace_display_name": "workspace name", "project_name": "project", "project_display_name": "project name", "pipeline_id": 123, "pipeline_name": "pipeline name", "action_id": 456, "action_name": "action name", "execution_id": 789, "triggered_on": "CLICK", "priority": "NORMAL", "revision": "48rtrwy3y4wr9et4rwet", "ref": "master", "ref_type": "branch", "creator_id": 1, "creator_name": "Mike Benson" }
Name | Value/Example |
iss The issuer of the OIDC identity provider | https://oidc.buddyusercontent.com (US) or https://eu-oidc.buddyusercontent.com (EU) |
sub The subject of the OIDC identity provider | $WORKSPACE_DOMAIN/$INTEGRATION_ID Example: domain/L39J4q2VolejO3K5ajNmGQBW71 |
aud The audience of the OIDC identity provider | https://app.buddy.works/$WORKSPACE_DOMAIN (US) or https://eu.buddy.works/$WORKSPACE_DOMAIN (EU) |
iat The issue timestamp of the token | Example: 1676623065620 |
exp The expiration date of the token | Example: 1676626665620 |
nbf The time before which the token must not be used | Example: 1676623065619 |
jti The unique ID of the token | Example: 9b9c0df8-7368-47f5-9102-c6d3cae33121 |
workspace_domain The domain of the workspace | Example: domain |
workspace_display_name The name of the workspace as displayed on the workspace list | Example: workspace name |
project_name The name of the project | Example: project |
project_display_name The name of the project as displayed on the project list | Example: project name |
pipeline_id The ID of the pipeline | Example: 123 |
pipeline_name The name of the pipeline | Example: pipeline name |
action_id The ID of the action | Example: 456 |
action_name The name of the action | Example: action name |
execution_id The ID of the current pipeline run | Example: 789 |
triggered_on The trigger mode used to run the pipeline run | CLICK , EVENT , or SCHEDULE |
priority The priority of the pipeline run. | LOW , NORMAL , HIGH |
revision The SHA1 hash of the commit of the current pipeline run | Example: 48rtrwy3y4wr9et4rwet |
ref The branch/tag/pull request or a wildcard string for which the pipeline was run | Example: master |
ref_type The type of ref for which the pipeline was run | Example: branch |
creator_id The ID of the pipeline run invoker. | Example: 1 |
creator_name The name of the pipeline run invoker. | Example: Mike Benson |
. This way you can be sure that the token is restricted to one specific integration.
Last modified on Sep 23, 2024