Deploy to Shopify
How to deploy to Shopify?
Deploying to Shopify is possible with three actions tailored for Shopify deployments. Whether you prefer automatic updates or your themes triggered by each push to a branch, manual deployment on click, or scheduled recurring deployments, Buddy offers a range of options to suit your deployment strategy.
Image loading...Example pipeline with deployment to Shopify
Configure pipeline in Buddy
- Create a new project in Buddy and synchronize your git repository:
Image loading...Creating new project
- Add a new pipeline and configure the details: name, trigger mode, and a branch from which you want to deploy:
Image loading...Adding new pipeline
Configure Shopify deployment
In your pipeline, click + and navigate to the Shopify section on the action list:
Image loading...Shopify actions
Buddy offers 3 dedicated Shopify actions. The next steps depend on the action you select:
- Shopify
- Shopify CLI
- Shopify Theme Kit
Shopify action configuration
This action uses only token-based Shopify integration. It's a basic action for Shopify deployment.
The action has four configuration tabs:
- Transfer – here you select the Shopify integration, theme, source path, deployment flags, and files to ignore
- Variables – here you can add and modify environment variables required by your workflow
- Conditions – here you configure the trigger conditions for which the action will run
- Options – here you define the action's name and behavior on failure and timeout
Image loading...Shopify action configuration
Shopify CLI action configuration
Shopify CLI is a command-line interface tool that assists in creating Shopify apps/templates. You can also use it to automate common development tasks while managing your online store.
The Shopify CLI action has been available in Buddy since 2023. To use it, you can use an integration based on either a token or an API key. For the API key authorization you need a Shopify partner token.
Shopify CLI replaces Theme Kit for most tasks related to theme development. You should use this action if you are working on Online Store 2.0 themes.
Image loading...Shopify CLI action configuration
Shopify Theme Kit action configuration
Theme Kit is a command-line tool designed for creating and managing Shopify themes. Currently, it is suitable for older themes than Online Store 2.0. This action uses only token-based Shopify integration.
Image loading...Shopify Theme Kit action configuration
đź“š Learn more about Shopify action features, integrations and alternatives.
Sep 24, 2024