Integration permissions

In the Permissions tab of an integration, you can grant different permissions to user groups or individuals. There are 4 predefined permission types:

  • None (Deny): when set, users won't see the integration
  • None (Delete-only): integration will be visible for administrators, and they will be able to delete, but not use or edit it
  • Use: users will be able to use the integration
  • Manage: open permission to use and edit the integration

Image loading...Permissions tab in integrationPermissions tab in integration

Just as before, when adding an integration, it is added either with the Workspace or Project scope, depending on the place you add it from:

Image loading...Integration scopeIntegration scope

Allowed pipelines

In addition to that, we’ve added a possibility to decide which pipelines can use a specific integration. You can either allow all pipelines to use an integration, or restrict the permissions only to specific one(s).

If a pipeline run fails due to the Missing permissions to the following integration: error, a button will appear allowing you to grant permissions to this pipeline and retry the run. This feature is accessible to users holding the Use and Manage role within the integration. Image loading...Adding pipeline to allowed pipelines in integrationAdding pipeline to allowed pipelines in integration

Changes to API

The new permissions result in some changes to the REST API as well. The changes involve the scope of the integration being now limited to WORKSPACE and PROJECT and adding a new Permissions field.

Last update:
Sep 23, 2024