WebDAV with YAML

YAML parameters for WebDAV

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to WEB_DAV.
login RequiredStringThe username required to connect to the server.
password RequiredStringThe password required to connect to the server.
web_dav_url RequiredStringThe URL to your WebDAV server.
input_typeStringDefines whether the files are deployed from the repository or from the build filesystem. Can be one of SCM_REPOSITORY or BUILD_ARTIFACTS.
local_pathStringThe path in the repository.
remote_pathStringThe absolute or relative path on the remote server.
deployment_excludesString[]The paths and/or files that will be left out during the deployment.
deployment_includesString[]The exceptions from the ignore patterns set in deployment_excludes.

YAML example for WebDAV

actions: - action: "Upload files to https://mysite.com/webdav/" type: "WEB_DAV" local_path: "/src" login: "root" password: "secure!TPR+DEaI7z46j6Ns4zkSJQ==" web_dav_url: "https://mysite.com/webdav/" deployment_excludes: - "/dir1" - "*.log"

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024