DigitalOcean Spaces with YAML

YAML parameters for DigitalOcean Spaces

action RequiredStringThe name of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to DO_SPACES.
bucket_name RequiredStringThe name of the DigitalOcean Spaces Bucket.
integration RequiredStringThe ID of the integration.
region RequiredStringThe name of the DigitalOcean Spaces region.
input_typeStringDefines whether the files are deployed from the repository or from the build filesystem. Can be one of SCM_REPOSITORY or BUILD_ARTIFACTS.
local_pathStringThe path in the repository.
public_accessBooleanMakes files accessible through public HTTP.
remote_pathStringThe absolute or relative path on the remote server.
deployment_excludesString[]The paths and/or files that will be left out during the deployment.
deployment_includesString[]The exceptions from the ignore patterns set in deployment_excludes.
cache_controlStringSpecifies how long objects stay in the cache.
content_encodingStringContentEncoding that will be set for the deployed files e.g. "gzip".

YAML example for DigitalOcean Spaces

actions: - action: "Upload files to DO Spaces" type: "DO_SPACES" input_type: "SCM_REPOSITORY" local_path: "/assets" bucket_name: "buddy" public_access: true region: "nyc3" cache_control: "max-age=3600" integration: "my_integration" deployment_excludes: - "/tmp" - "*.log" deployment_includes: - "/tmp/assets" - "/tmp/styles"

Last modified on Mar 4, 2025