Build Android App with YAML

YAML Parameters for building Android apps

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to BUILD.
docker_image_name RequiredStringThe name of the Docker image.
docker_image_tag RequiredStringThe tag of the Docker image.
execute_commands RequiredString[]The commands that will be executed.
cached_dirsString[]The dependencies & directories to be cached and available to every execution in this pipeline.
working_directoryStringThe directory in which the pipeline filesystem will be mounted.
setup_commandsString[]The command that will be executed only on the first run.
servicesService[]The containers with the services that will be attached to this environment. Available types: MYSQL, MONGO_DB, MARIADB, POSTGRE_SQL, REDIS, MEMCACHED, ELASTICSEARCH.
loginStringThe username required to connect to the Docker hub, private registry or GCR.
passwordStringThe password required to connect to the Docker hub, private registry or GCR.
registryStringThe url to the Docker registry or GCR.
integrationStringThe ID of the integration. Required for using the image from the Amazon ECR.
regionStringThe name of the Amazon S3 region. Required for using the image from the Amazon ECR. The full list of regions is available here.

YAML example for building Android apps

actions: - action: "Build Android app" type: "BUILD" working_directory: "/buddy/yaml-project" docker_image_name: "library/openjdk" docker_image_tag: "8" execute_commands: - "export ANDROID_HOME=\"/opt/android/sdk/\"" - "export BUILD_TOOLS_VER=\"27.0.3\"" - "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android/sdk/build-tools/$BUILD_TOOLS_VER" - "#build" - "chmod +x gradlew" - "#./gradlew assembleDebug" - "./gradlew assembleRelease" setup_commands: - "mkdir -p /opt/android/sdk && mkdir .android" - "cd /opt/android/sdk && curl -o && unzip && rm" - "yes | /opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --update" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager platform-tools" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager tools" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager emulator" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \"extras;android;m2repository\"" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \"extras;google;m2repository\"" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \"extras;google;google_play_services\"" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \"build-tools;27.0.3\"" - "/opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \"platforms;android-27\"" volume_mappings: - "/:/buddy/mount/directory"

Last modified on Sep 24, 2024