Windows with YAML

YAML Parameters for Windows

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to NATIVE_BUILD_WINDOWS.
working_directory RequiredStringThe directory in which the pipeline filesystem will be mounted.
commands RequiredString[]The commands that will be executed.
execute_every_commandBooleanIf set to true all commands will be executed regardless of the result of the previous command.
sync_pathsSyncPath[]Define file paths that should be copied before PIPELINE_TO_VM and after the execution VM_TO_PIPELINE.
vm_from_prev_actionBooleanSet to true if you want the action to use the VM from the previous Windows action.
vm_action_nameStringThe name of the action from which the VM is reused (if vm_from_prev_action is set to true). If not set, the previous one will be used.
distributionStringDefines the image used to create the VM. Use WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 for the default image, AMI for a custom AMI.
amiAmiSet if distribution is set to AMI.

Ami Properties

idStringDefines the AMI ID of the image. Ohio- and Stockholm-region images only.
passwordStringAdministrator password from the given Ami.

YAML example for Windows

actions: - action: "Execute: msbuild" type: "NATIVE_BUILD_WINDOWS" working_directory: "c:\\\\buddy" commands: - "nuget restore" - "msbuild" execute_every_command: true sync_paths: - pipeline_path: "/" vm_path: "c:\\buddy" direction: "VM_TO_PIPELINE" - pipeline_path: "/" vm_path: "c:\\buddy" direction: "PIPELINE_TO_VM" distribution: "AMI" ami: id: "AMI-070f68b6c413be913" password: "secure!Gw/eER3MbtosP+mDMlQbHg==.A4Zt9RBSs4zrJ7MvNa5YHQ=="

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024