Build a Fastlane App (iOS) with YAML

YAML Parameters for Build a Fastlane App (iOS)

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Must be set to NATIVE_BUILD_MAC_FASTLANE.
working_directory RequiredStringThe directory in which the pipeline filesystem will be mounted.
commands RequiredString[]The commands that will be executed.
sync_pathsSyncPath[]Define file paths that should be copied before (PIPELINE_TO_VM) and after the execution (VM_TO_PIPELINE).
pre_start_simulatorsString[]The list of simulators initiated before the action runs.
node_versionStringThe version of Node.js used in the action.
certificatesString[]The list of variables added to the iOS keychain.
provision_profilesString[]The list of variables added as iOS Provisioning Profiles.
xcode_versionStringDefines the Xcode version.

YAML example for Fastlane (iOS)

actions: - action: "Build application" type: "NATIVE_BUILD_MAC_FASTLANE" working_directory: "/Users/buddy/build" commands: - "fastlane snapshot" sync_paths: - pipeline_path: "/" vm_path: "/Users/buddy/build" direction: "PIPELINE_TO_VM" excludes: "" - pipeline_path: "/" vm_path: "/Users/buddy/build" direction: "VM_TO_PIPELINE" excludes: "" pre_start_simulators: - "iPhone 13 Pro Max" node_version: "14" certificates: - "myCert" provision_profiles: - "myProfile" xcode_version: "13"

Last modified on Sep 24, 2024