Set variables with YAML

YAML parameters for Set variables

action RequiredStringThe name of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to SET_VARIABLES.
variables RequiredVariable[]The list of existing settable variables.
key RequiredStringThe name of the variable.
defaultsStringThe value of the variable.
encryptedBooleanEncrypted values will not be visible once saved. Can be used for things like passwords.
init_pathStringPath to the file with options.
commentStringThe custom comment that will be displayed upon passing arguments.
permissionsPipelinePermissionsDefine to set permissions for the action.

YAML example for Set variables

actions: - action: "Set Variables" type: "SET_VARIABLES" comment: "comment" variables: - key: "var1" type: "VAR" - key: "var2" type: "VAR" defaults: "option1\noption2" - key: "var3" type: "VAR" init_path: "/fileWithOptions" - key: "var4" type: "VAR"

PipelinePermissions schema

othersStringAccessLevel for the group Others. Can be one of DENIED, ALLOWED. Default setting is ALLOWED.
usersUserPermission[]The list of users who will be granted a permission other than the Others group.
groupsGroupPermission[]The group who will be granted a permission other than the Others group.
permissions: others: "DENIED" users: "DENIED" "ALLOWED" groups: frontend: "DENIED" backend: "ALLOWED"

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024