JMeter CLI with YAML

YAML parameters for JMeter CLI

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to JMETER_CLI.
execute_commands RequiredString[]The commands that will be executed.
shellStringThe name of the shell that will be used to execute commands. Can be one of SH (default) or BASH.
setup_commandsString[]The command that will be executed only on the first run.

YAML example for JMeter CLI

actions: - action: "Run JMeter CLI commands" type: "JMETER_CLI" trigger_time: "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION" shell: "SH" setup_commands: - "apt-get update && apt-get -y install git" execute_commands: - "jmeter -n –t test.jmx -l testresults.jtl"

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024