Build action cache
If you fetch dependencies to a different directory than the default build context, you can cache them by entering their paths in the Cache tab: Image loading...Cache tab in Node action
Build environment cache
Build actions are run in Docker containers. The build environment is based on the Docker image pulled from the selected registry (default: Docker Hub). On the first pipeline run, Buddy pulls and caches the image in the selected version. If you set image the tag to 'Latest' in the environment tab, it checks for a new version by running docker pull
on every subsequent execution. The procedure only downloads Docker layers missing in the previous execution.
This way you don't have to pull the full image every time, and you're always sure that you're using the most recent version. The same rule applies to other actions that pull Docker images from the registry.
Environment customization
Docker images can be customized with commands in the Packages & Tools tab of the build action. The commands are run on the first pipeline execution to create a new image. The image is used until a new one is pulled from the registry or until modified with new commands.
Databases and services
All build actions support microservices (MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc.). The services act like individual containers with separate caching systems.
Sep 23, 2024