
It is not possible to copy pipelines between workspaces. Instead, you can export your pipeline configuration to a YAML file and import them in the second workspace.

This feature is useful for creating alternative variants of the same flow, e.g. adding new deployment servers, as you just need to update the details in the deployment action.

To duplicate a pipeline, click the hamburger icon on the source pipeline view and select Duplicate from the list:

Image loading...Duplicating pipeline

You can also copy individual actions from one project/pipeline to another. The option is available in the upper right corner when adding an action:

Image loading...Copy action button

A window will appear allowing you to select the project and pipeline to copy from:

Image loading...Copying actions

Alternatively, you can click the hamburger icon by the action in the pipeline and select the copy option from the dropdown menu:

Image loading...Copy option on action dropdown

Reproducing in another project

To reproduce a pipeline in another project, go to the target project and click the New pipeline button. Switch to the Duplicate tab, select the pipeline host project, and click the pipeline to duplicate it:

Image loading...Reproducing pipeline in another project

Hover the cursor over a pipeline action to see its name.

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024