Selenium tests
Selenium is a set of automated testing frameworks used for browser-based regression testing. In Buddy, the Selenium suite is available as an attachable service and supports Chrome and Mozilla browsers.
Pipeline configuration
Project setup
First, you need to add a project and synchronize the repository with the website that you want to test. You can hook up Buddy with GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab, attach any Git repository of your choice, or use Buddy's own Git hosting:
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Pipeline setup
The next step is adding a new pipeline and defining when and for which branches it should run. You can run your tests after every push to the repository, at a specific time of a day, or before the deployment to the server. Here is an example of a pipeline which triggers the tests every 30 minutes for the staging branch:
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Adding actions
Now it’s time to add the build action to which we'll attach Selenium. Select the action that matches the type of your website:
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Inside the action, you can define the commands to run. In this example, we run gulp
in the Node.js environment:
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Configuring Selenium service
To add Selenium, go to the action's Services tab, click the + button, and look up Selenium on the list. You can choose either Chrome or Firefox driver:
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During configuration, you select the version of the service, and define the hostname and port. There are also two additional options:
- Skip cache and pull image on every run – turning this on and setting the image version to 'latest' ensures that you always use the newest version of the service.
- Allow passing variables to this service – this option allows using variables generated by the preceding actions.
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Adding the service will produce it on the list together with the access details:
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The last step is pasting the hostname to the Selenium configuration file in your repository. Here's an example for a WebdriverIO file:
# Node.js + WebdriverIO example
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName : 'chrome'
host: 'selenium-ch',
port: 4444
BrowserStack integration
If you want to run advanced Selenium tests in parallel on multiple browsers, we recommend to use BrowserStack. Here is an example of the config file for the Ruby's Cucumber framework:
rubyrequire 'selenium/webdriver' url = "http://#{ENV['BS_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['BS_AUTHKEY']}" capabilities = capabilities['project'] = ENV['BS_AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] if ENV['BS_AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] capabilities['build'] = ENV['BS_AUTOMATE_BUILD'] if ENV['BS_AUTOMATE_BUILD'] capabilities['platform'] = ENV['SELENIUM_PLATFORM'] || 'ANY' capabilities['browser'] = ENV['SELENIUM_BROWSER'] || 'chrome' capabilities['browser_version'] = ENV['SELENIUM_VERSION'] if ENV['SELENIUM_VERSION'] browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote, :url => url, :desired_capabilities => capabilities) Before do |scenario| @browser = browser end at_exit do browser.quit end
The whole config is based on a series of environment variables:
The variables can be set in the pipeline's Variables tab:
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Last modified on Jan 29, 2025