March 27, 2018

v2.0.20 (27-03-2018)

New Features

  • [Pipelines] [Tag push support](/blog/introducing-tag-push)
  • [Pipelines] Buddy will now recommend consecutive actions for your pipeline


  • [Pipelines] Easier access to commits and files in the pre-execution review
  • [Rollbar] Better support of errors returned by the Rollbar integration
  • [CodeDeploy] Better support of errors returned by the AWS CodeDeploy integration
  • [Enterprise] The limit for sandboxes has been removed


  • Fixed a bug with actions in the 'On back to success' section not launching if primary actions contained 'Wait for Apply'


Alexander Kus

Alexander Kus

Customer Success Manager

A story-teller and conversation-lover, Alexander decided to invest his skills to help his friends at Buddy transform the cold language of patch notes into exciting narratives. Also: an avid gamer, hip-hop DJ, Liverpool FC fan, absentminded husband, and the father of two.