Pipelines: Your Guide to Continuous Development and Delivery with CI/CD
Buddy is, primarily, a devops automation platform focused around pipeline development. But what does that mean exactly? This guide will help you introduce pipeline-based Continuous Delivery to your development project and better understand what our app is all about. Continuous Integration & Delivery are not only a flavor of the month – it’s an industry standard for any software development team. If you want to catch up with the hottest IT trends, this guide is for you. Also, in case you are already familiar with the continuous approach, you can simply skip the first part and move on to the pipelines section.
Objectives of this guide
With this guide you’ll be able to:
- Understand the concept of continuous delivery and continuous integration
- Understand the notion “delivery pipeline” and find out how to use it to automate your work
- Grasp best practices and analyze sample development workflow to improve your software delivery times
Why you should care about Continuous Delivery
The term Continuous Delivery is still a bit confusing, the more it’s often replaced by the notion of Continuous Deployment and mentioned in the context of Continuous Development. All the phrases stem from the agile approach to development, where the cycle time is cut down as much as possible. Why? The faster the product moves to the next stage of the development process, the faster you receive feedback empowering development teams to quickly fix bugs and deliver another, better version – see graphics below.
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The advantages of shorter cycle time, when every change in the code becomes a deployment, are obvious and include:
- Delivering new features faster
- Receiving feedback in an instant
- Improving quality
- Reducing the risk of unsuccessful implementation of the change
- Saving time required to perform tasks manually
To benefit from continuous approach to development, you have to automate your work as much as possible. However, the implementation of CI/CD processes can be time and resource-consuming. In the next part of this guide we are going to show you how to easily implement the automated continuous approach in large and small projects using Buddy and its pipelines.
General information concerning pipelines
What is a pipeline actually? The idea is pretty straightforward:
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The pipeline resembles a little bit a production line, where some items are assembled, examined if they meet the quality standards, wrapped and packed in boxes and sent to the customers. In software development we simply skip fancy wrapping paper and decorative boxes and do our job – deliver software in a continuous manner.
Industrial production lines vary depending on the nature of the business. In case of software delivery it’s exactly the same – they will be different for every project and every team, depending on the technology and the approach used. However, every pipeline has the same major sections:
- Build and Integrate
- Test
- Deploy
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All the above actions should be performed automatically and you can easily achieve this with Buddy and the pipelines.
Pipelines in Buddy
Buddy offers the possibility to design Continuous Delivery pipelines tailored to individual needs. It supports all the general stages mentioned in the previous section. And actually Buddy can do much more. Let’s take a look at the functions.
Introductory information
The main component in Buddy is a project. It consists of two main elements: a Git repository and a set of pipelines, defining when and how the source code from the repository will be processed (compiled, tested, prepared for deployment) and delivered to a given server.
When you log into Buddy for the first time, you have to add new project and connect it to the Git repository you are going to automate (GitHub or BitBucket) or push your Git repository to Buddy (you can host your Git project in Buddy without any external provider).
Let’s assume you have already created your project and connected it with the repository. Now you are ready to add the first pipeline.
Creating a Pipeline
In our first step, we are going to create a CI CD pipeline that will:
- Build the application on every push to master branch
- Deliver the application files to server
- Restart the application on server
- Notify you if any of the above actions fails
Go to Pipelines screen and click Add a new pipeline.
Enter the pipeline name (e.g. MyFirstPipeline
). Select the trigger mode On every push and select the master branch. Then, click Add a new pipeline:
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Buddy will create MyFirstPipeline
and display the set of available actions.
Now we are going to add actions (build application, deliver to server, restart application) to MyFirstPipeline.
Action #1: Build my Node app in a Docker container
Usually your code requires compilation. Buddy allows you to build applications in Docker containers, which are more or less similar to virtual machines. The user defines what tool would be used during building the application and what commands would be executed.
In our sample pipeline we shall build a Node.js application with Gulp. To do this, pick a pre-defined action for Node.js.:
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All we need to do now is enter the commands that will build the application, pick the version of Node and enter the commands that will install Gulp:
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Action #2: Deploy the build to the server
We have just added the action that will build the application. Upon completion of this step, we need to upload the application to server. This can be performed by another action from Buddy’s actions set. You may chose from a variety of protocols like FTP/FTPS/SFTP or upload your application to Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Google Cloud Engine and so on.
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Action #3: Restart my app on the server
Very often you will need to perform certain operations on the server where you deployed your application, e.g. database update or service restart. All you need to do in Buddy is adding an SSH action, where you define the connection data and operations you want to perform. In our example we will connect with the server and restart the application:
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Bonus actions: Turn the maintenance mode on/off**
Of course you should inform your users that the service is offline for maintenance instead of leaving them with a website churning out downtime errors. Thus, we are going to add two more SSH actions to our pipeline that will take care of notifying them the solution is currently unavailable:
- The first one will switch on maintenance break screen before delivering the application to server
- The second one will switch off maintenance break screen when application restart is complete
And this is how your final pipeline should look like:
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Run, Pipeline, Run!
That’s it – your pipeline is ready. It will automatically build the application, deliver it to server and restart the application, notifying you if any of those operations fails. Let’s check how it works.
When something goes wrong your Pipeline got you covered
We defined the pipeline, which builds the application on every push to the master branch, uploads it to server and restarts application on the server. But what if any of these actions fails, for example if the upload is unsuccessful? The user should be notified. In Buddy all you need to do is adding a notification action in the On failure section, where you can pick the appropriate option such as e-mail or SMS messages, or Slack.
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Wait, there could be more
When you open the Pipelines tab, you will find your current pipelines listed. For each project you can define an unlimited number of pipelines. Usually they will include one pipeline that builds the application on every push, and the pipeline that delivers the application to the production server. It's always a good practice to create multiple pipelines to deliver to different environments. For example in our internal processes every project has its own pipeline for staging environment, master, dev and live. That way, every new feature has to goo through multiple automated testing hoops before it makes it live. Greatly improving software quality.
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The pipelines screen also provides information on when the pipeline was run, for which branch deploy is executed and if the server is up-to-date with the reference server. Here you can also check the pipelines currently in progress and the ones that failed since one of the actions in the pipeline failed.
That's the gist of it. To be fair - sky is the limit. There are many more elements you can introduce to your workflow that will give you the competitive edge, like automated testing, visual tests, unit tests linters, image optimization, link scan, delivery to popular cloud platforms (AWS, GCD) or even Lighthouse reporting. Apart from creating a cohesive CI CD process, you can also levarage feedback loops that will help you deliver not only faster, but better and with less unexpected downtime. Thanks to this, you can cut down software development lifecycle by a solid chunk with less stressed developers and satisfied customers.

Jarek Dylewski
Customer Support
A journalist and an SEO specialist trying to find himself in the unforgiving world of coders. Gamer, a non-fiction literature fan and obsessive carnivore. Jarek uses his talents to convert the programming lingo into a cohesive and approachable narration.