How git works with Buddy - baby steps guide to version control
The following guide covers the basics of Git: installing Git on your system, initializing repository, comitting files, adding remote, and collaborating on branches with other users.
First you need to choose and install the package for your OS:
Creating repository
Once the Git is installed, go to the folder with your project and run the following:
bashgit init
To initialize Git in this directory. This command will add a /.git
directory to your folder that will store data about the repo.
Adding files to the repository
Now we need to tell Git to put the files under version control so we can commit them. To do this, run:
bashgit add .
With 'git add' you can define which files you want to add to the next commit:
git add filename
will add a specific filegit add .
will add all files from the directory.
Once the files have been added, you can commit them to the repository:
bashgit commit -m 'Added all files to the repository'
Where -m
stands for the commit message. Always write something that describes your activity in the commit to avoid a mess when browsing the history later on.
To view which files have been added and/or committed, run git status
Changing files in the repository
In Git, every time you change a file, you need to add it again with git add
before making a commit.
Let's say you've made some changes to readme.txt. If you want to commit the changes, you need to run:
bashgit add readme.txt git commit -m 'changes to readme.txt'
However, if you'd like to commit changes to existing files without running 'git add' every time, use -am
as the parameter:
bashgit add -am 'changes to readme.txt'
Viewing history
Okay, so we've already made some commits and registered some activity. If you'd like to see who and when made a commit in your repository, execute:
bashgit log
You can add parameters to 'git log' to filter commits and change the outcome format, for example:
git log --pretty=oneline
will make the log more compactgit log --grep =shit.*
will display the list of commits starting with "shit".
For a full list of parameters, run git log --help
Restoring changes
With Git, you can easily undo changes to your files. You will soon find this feature a real blessing, especially if your recent change to code has messed up your whole project. The command depends on the actual status of the file in Git.
How to restore changes:
If you've changed the file locally but haven't added it with
git add
yet, just checkout (clone) the file from the repository:bashgit checkout readme.txt
$If you've already added the file, add the HEAD parameter to the checkout command:
bashgit checkout HEAD readme.txt
$If the file has already been committed, you need to add the revision to which you want to restore it, and commit it again:
where `bashgit checkout <SHA> readme.txt git add readme.txt git commit -m ‘revert readme.txt to old version’
$$$` stands for the revision.
Collaboration with other users
Setting up remote repository
If you'd like to collaborate on code with your team, you need to create a remote repository on a Git hosting service to which you will push your changes. You can host your repo on our service, or use any other Git hosting provider and synchronize it with Buddy later on. In this example, we'll use Buddy as the provider:
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Adding remote and pushing changes using the git add remote feature
Right, so we've just created a remote repository on Buddy. Before we can push our commits we need to add that repo as a remote. To do that, run:
bashgit remote add origin REMOTE_URL
is the link to your repository, eg.`origin
is the ID of the remote location (you can change the word "origin" to something else)
Git will ask for your login credentials to the repository: just use the same email and password that you used to log in to Buddy. You can view and set them in your ID settings.
Now we can push our changes to the remote with this command:
bashgit push origin --all
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If you want to fetch the changes from the remote, run
bashgit pull origin --all
- The
parameter stands for all branches in the repository. We'll explain the idea of branches in the next step.
Working on branches
Creating a new branch
Branches are the core feature of Git, allowing you to work in isolation from other developers without the risk of messing up the mainline of development.
By default, the Git repository is created with the Master branch. If you'd like to develop a new feature, you should create a new branch:
bashgit checkout -b new_feature
From now on, all new commits will be pushed to the freshly created new_features
git_checkout branch_name
will switch you to the branch of given namegit show-branch --list
will display your local branchesgit show-branch --all
will display both local and remote branches
You can also view, add and delete branches directly from Buddy's GUI in the Branches tab:
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Pushing new branch to the remote
If you want to collaborate on this branch with another developer, you have to push it to the remote:
bashgit push origin new_feature
Once pushed, other developers will be able to fetch the branch to their computer:
bashgit pull origin new_feature
Merging branches
When your work is ready, you can switch back to Master and merge your feature branch to it:
bashgit checkout master git merge new_feature
Once the branch has been merged you can delete it:
bashgit branch -d new_feature
All operations are available in Buddy from the Merges tab, allowing you to merge branches and issue merge requests with a couple of clicks:
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Resolving conflicts
Sometimes when merging conflicts appear. This happens most often when the same file's been edited in two different branches, and you need to tell Git whose changes to keep.
Most often to resolve the conflict, you must edit the file, and then add and commit it again to the repo:
bashgit add readme.txt git commit -m 'conflict resolved'
Getting to know these few basic commands is the first step towards Git mastery. Although it may take some time until you become familiar with the Git ecosystem and instinctively know which command to use at a given situation, they will soon become the bread and butter of your everyday work as a developer.

Jarek Dylewski
Customer Support
A journalist and an SEO specialist trying to find himself in the unforgiving world of coders. Gamer, a non-fiction literature fan and obsessive carnivore. Jarek uses his talents to convert the programming lingo into a cohesive and approachable narration.