YAML parameters for FTP

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to FTP.
host RequiredStringThe host for the connection.
login RequiredStringThe username required to connect to the server.
password RequiredStringThe password required to connect to the server.
port RequiredStringThe port for the connection.
active_modeBooleanEnables the active mode for the connection.
input_typeStringDefines whether the files are deployed from the repository or from the build filesystem. Can be one of SCM_REPOSITORY or BUILD_ARTIFACTS.
local_pathStringThe path in the repository.
remote_pathStringThe absolute or relative path on the remote server.
deployment_excludesString[]The paths and/or files that will be left out during the deployment.
deployment_includesString[]The exceptions from the ignore patterns set in deployment_excludes.
use_temporary_filesBooleanThe files will be uploaded with a "tmp" suffix that will be removed once the upload has finished.

YAML example for FTP

actions: - action: "Upload files to localhost" type: "FTP" input_type: "SCM_REPOSITORY" local_path: "/" remote_path: "Home/www" use_temporary_files: true login: "api_tests_user" password: "api_tests_password" host: "localhost" port: "21" deployment_excludes: - "/assets" - "file.txt" deployment_includes: - "/assets/assets-new/" - "/assets/file.txt"

Last modified on Sep 24, 2024