Custom Builds
Do more with Custom Builds
Buddy CI/CD allows you to instantly implement Custom Builds with 100+ ready to use actions to automate your development and build better apps faster.
Use Custom Builds in Buddy CI/CDDo more with Custom Builds
Buddy CI/CD allows you to instantly implement Custom Builds with 100+ ready to use actions to automate your development and build better apps faster.
Use Custom Builds in Buddy CI/CDWeighing your options? Checkout these 5 alternatives that could help you accomplish your goal.
Angular is a front-end framework meant mostly to develop single-page applications. This Type-Script framework is open source and developed by the Angular Team (Google). It's based off the older version of AngularJS that has been rewritten from the grounds up.
Aurelia is an open source JavaScript-based framework used for browser, mobile ,and desktop apps. Instead of being a singular framework, Aurelia serves as a collection of JS modules (e.g., metadata, binding, templating etc.). Aurelia modules are written in ECMAScript or TypeScript and can be used in any JS project.
Clojure is a general-purpose community-driven dialect of Lisp programming language. The main feature of Clojure are the immutable data structures that encourage developers to be precise about handling identity and its states. Clojure primary platform is Java, but there are other implementations like ClojureScript or ClojureCLR.
Cypress is a JavaScript front end testing framework. Cypress is a complete package providing a complete framework for running automated tests. Cypress is built on top of Mocha, a feature-packed JavaScript browser test framework. Cypress also utilizes BDD/TDD assertion library and can be paired with any JS framework.
Django is an open-source web framework based on Python used mostly in the application development due to its templates, libraries and APIS. The main focus of Django is allowing developers to focus on implementing new features instead of constantly reviewing old ones.
.Net is a framework developed by Microsoft used in software development. .NET allows for developing a wide range of applications, from WEB to IoT. The framework consists of various languages (C#, VB.NET, Shop, C++ and more), libraries and APIs which help in creating various types of apps.
.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform, general-purpose development platform with wide capabilities. .NET Core is built to solve problems of modern app development: mobile-friendliness, scalability and performance. Apart from that, .NET Core is incomparably faster than the latest .NET framework version.
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems Elixir provides developers with an extensible design supported by macro metaprogramming and protocol polymorphism.
Ember is an open-source JavaScript-based framework utilizing the model->view->viewmodel pattern. Ember allows web developers to design scaleable single-page apps and client-side JavaScript apps. Ember provides its own CLI that integrates greatly improving developer productivity.
Gatsby is a static site generator that combines webpack and react-router from React, GraphQL and other front end tools into a single comprehensive package. Thanks to its preconfiguration, building static websites is incredibly fast and reliable.
Go is a compiled programming language designed by Google in an effort to address some of the criticism Google programmers faced for languages used by the company. Go is often referred to as "Golang" due to the official domain name: Go is highly influenced by C but focused more on code simplicity and safety.
Haskell is a multi-purpose languange that is mostly used for data analysis, prototyping and improving existing software with more performance and scalability driven code. Often compared to Python, Haskell offers more native compilers which makes the language faster and more efficient.
Meteor (also called MeteorJS) is an isomorphic JavaScript framework for web applications written in Node.js. Meteor provides developers with easy, fast and effective cross-platform production (iOS, Web, Android). Meteor is open-source under MIT license.
Node.js is a JavaScript-based cross-platform runtime platform designed for creating efficient and scalable network applications. Although JavaScript is the only officially supported language, it is possible to use many comple-to-JS languages as well. Node.js is open-source and free to use under the MIT license.
PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is one of the most popular general-use languages used mostly for web development. Created back in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP is currently a go-to language for server-side web development, used by the biggest blogging engine available: WordPress.
Python one of the most powerful, object-oriented, interpreted programming languages available. Thanks to its built in data structures combined wyth dynamic binding, it's considered one of the best languages for rapit application development. Since Python has no additional compilation, the standard 'edit-test-debug' cycle is faster than in other languages.
Ruby is a high-level, multi-purpose interpreted programming language developed in 1990s by Japanese developer Yukihiro Matsumoto. Similarly to Python, It is usually used for developing web applications especially with a framework called Ruby on Rails.
Scala is an object-oriented general purpose language developed by Martin Odersky. Scala is often considered a better alternative to Java by solving a wide array of issues Java has like dreaded null pointer exceptions, asynchronous processing and ability to define algebraic data types