How to use git-crypt to secure sensitive data

CI/CD and process automation require working with sensitive data such as server credentials, keys to the API's of external providers, or keystore files used to sign mobile apps before uploading them to the online store. Usually, such data is stored within environment variables defined in the CI/CD tool. In some cases, though, it may be more convenient to store it in the Git repository – managing changes is easier, as well as sharing and browsing history.

However, once you decide to keep the data in the Git repository, it is strongly recommended to protect it with some form of secure encryption, Buddy app being fully equipped with correct tools for the job.

In this guide, we will describe how to do it with git-crypt and how to configure a pipeline that will automatically encrypt and decrypt files upon every push.

This guide assumes you’re familiar with Git basics.

What is git-crypt all about?

In short, Git Crypt is a tool that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files with GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) keys in the background of Git commands. Once the tool is properly configured, the files are encrypted on push to and decrypted when fetched from the remote server.

The tool encrypts files on a per-file basis, meaning you can choose which files to encrypt and which to keep unencrypted. This allows you to protect sensitive data, such as passwords or private keys, while still collaborating with others on the non-sensitive parts of the Git repository.

How to install git-crypt and GPG

To install git-crypt on MacOS, run

brew install git-crypt brew install gpg$$
In case of problems, make sure that you have the Homebrew package manager installed.

To install git-crypt on MacOS, run

apt-get install -y git-crypt sudo apt-get install gnupg$$
To install git-crypt on Windows, please refer to the article on Stack Overflow

Repository and git-crypt initialization

First, create a new directory and add two files:

mkdir myrepo cd myrepo echo “everybody can read it” > echo “this file has sensitive data” > secrets.txt$$$$

After that, initialize Git and git-crypt with the git-crypt init command:

git init git-crypt init$$
During the git-crypt init, a key for encryption will be generated.

Defining files to encrypt

In the directory with the sensitive data, add a .gitattributes file and define which files should be encrypted. You can add files any file extension (e.g. *.pdf for just PDF files). In our case, this will be a single file secrets.txt:

secrets.txt filter=git-crypt diff=git-crypt

Create new definitions for each file. You can also add patterns in the following way:

*.key filter=git-crypt diff=git-crypt secretdir/** filter=git-crypt diff=git-crypt

A good practice is to add a line to prevent encrypting the .gitattributes file itself:

.gitattributes !filter !diff

Testing encryption

To check if the defined conditions work, run the following:

git-crypt status -e$

Commits, pushes & encryption

From now on the files will be automatically encrypted on every push, i.e. you will be able to read and edit them in your local working copy, but on the remote and in other working copies the files will be encrypted.

If you already have a Git repository with committed files with secrets, git-crypt will only encrypt their new versions. Make sure to remove the files from the entire repository history before employing git-crypt.

Create a new Git repository with your provider and push it to the remote:

git add . git commit -m ‘init commit’ git remote add origin REMOTE_URL git push master$$$$

Once you open secrets.txt on the remote, you will see that it’s an encrypted binary file:

Image loading...Secrets.txt in repository

Working in team with git-crypt

If an unauthorized person (i.e. without a proper GPG key) clones the repository, the files in their working copy will also be encrypted files. If you want your teammates to view and edit those encryped files, you can do one of two things:

  1. Share the encryption key with them (symmetric key).
  2. Add their GPG key to authorized keys.

Symmetric key

Begin with exporting the key that you used for encryption using the git-crypt export-key command:

git-crypt export-key path/where/key/should/be/saved$

The exported key should be passed to your team members in a secure way. They can now decrypt the repository by running:

git-crypt unlock path/to/key$
The files in the Git repository will be decrypted for as long as you run git-crypt lock. All newly fetched changes will also be decrypted automatically.

GPG key

First, the person we want to authorize needs to create their own GPG key. While creating it, they will be asked to enter an e-mail address:

gpg --gen-key$

After that, they need to list the keys and copy the key ID:

gpg --list-keys$
The key ID is the string displayed after the key expiry date.

The last step is printing the key and passing it to the admin that will be granting the permissions to git-crypt:

gpg --export --armor $KEY_ID$

Now, the admin that grants the git-crypt rights has to save the GPG key on their disk and import it with the following command:

gpg --import /path/to/file$

After importing it, they need to add the key as trusted to git-crypt in the repository:

git-crypt add-gpg-user --trusted $EMAIL$
The email address is the address that was entered by the user while generating the key (it can be viewed by listing the keys).

After committing changes to the repository, the new user is now able to decrypt all the encrypted files in their working copy by running:

git-crypt unlock$

How to use git-crypt in CI/CD process

Secret data, such as config files, API keys, or certificates, needs to be decrypted during the application deployment. Usually, this is done using the symmetric key, the process looking exactly as we described it in the Symmetric key paragraph.

All of the above can be automated with a properly configured delivery pipeline that will decrypt the files, build and deploy the application, and then encrypt the files back again:

Image loading...Git-crypt pipeline

The decryption is performed with symmetric key uploaded to the Unlock action. The action uses the uploaded symmetric key to decipher the files in the pipeline filesystem:

Image loading...Git-crypt unlock

The pipeline filesystem contains a clone of the Git repository in the selected revision, together with artifacts and static files.

Once all tasks are performed, you can secure the files once again with Git-crypt lock.

Image loading...Git-crypt lock

Depending on the desired level of encryption, Buddy and git-crypt support multiple encryption keys, providing users with different levels of repository access. For example, the dev team can use one key to decrypt config files, while the DevOps team can use another one to decrypt directories with certificates.

Additional resources

API documentation

Actions used in this guide

Jarek Dylewski

Jarek Dylewski

Customer Support

A journalist and an SEO specialist trying to find himself in the unforgiving world of coders. Gamer, a non-fiction literature fan and obsessive carnivore. Jarek uses his talents to convert the programming lingo into a cohesive and approachable narration.