How to automate Firebase deployments
Learn how to create testing & production environments for a React app with deployment to Firebase

How to automate Golang delivery with Buddy CI/CD
Learn how to set up a Continuous Delivery pipeline for a Golang application.

How to create a blog with Gatsby and upload it to a server
Learn how to create a Gatsby blog from scratch and configure a pipeline that will build and deploy it to Netlify.

Production-grade CI/CD for React.js apps
Learn how to easily test, build and deploy React apps to AWS services with Buddy's pipelines.

Develop, Test, and Deploy Your Symfony Project: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to create a Symfony project, write tests with PHPUnit, set up a view with Twig, and deploy to an EBS environment. Improve your development process with continuous integration and deployment

Quick Start with Version Control and Continuous Delivery
A 5-minute guide on how to place the code under version control and automate its deployment.

5 ways to deploy PHP applications
Learn how to deploy PHP applications with 5 types of delivery pipelines: from local builds and Composer, to atomic deployments and Docker containers.

How to build and deploy front-end applications with Buddy
Learn how to Gulp/Grunt/Webpack your code and handle dependencies during the deployment.

Pipelines: Your Guide to Continuous Development and Delivery with CI/CD
Unlock the power of pipeline-based Continuous Delivery in your projects. This guide covers everything from CI/CD basics to advanced automation with Buddy, helping you speed up software delivery and improve quality. Perfect for developers looking to stay ahead with the latest in agile development practices.

Filesystem: The foundation of Buddy’s pipelines
Learn what is the Filesystem and how to use it to build your applications

How to set up CI/CD with Buddy and Azure
Learn how to set up Buddy to test and deploy your projects to Azure.

How to Build and Deploy .NET Projects
Learn how to build projects in Microsoft languages with Buddy.

How to set up Continuous Delivery to Heroku
Thanks to our Heroku integration, you can finally automate your Heroku tests and builds, find out how you can optimize your process with Buddy