Configuration file
Storing configuration in a file is a convenient way to set up new and update existing runners in non-interactive mode. To fetch the data from the config file, add the --config
flag to the command. For example:
buddy --yes update —-config="/home/buddy/config.yml"
What you need to know
- providing the
flag requires an existing and parsable YAML file in the provided path - all fields are optional and can be skipped or empty
- all flags overwrite the values from the config file
Supported flags
Name | Type | Description |
--drain | Boolean | Defines whether the runner is set to draining mode. |
--standalone-host | String | The IP address of the main instance. Cannot be empty. |
--token | String | The authorization token generated by the installation wizard. Can be regenerated with buddy configure |
--runner-memory | Number | The amount of RAM in MB allocated for the runner service. |
--tag | String | The tag applied to the runner. If set to empty (tag: "" ), the tag is cleared. |
--cpus | String | The number of CPUs that can be used by the build actions on the runner. Can be equal to 0 (unlimited) or greater. |
--memory | Number | The amount of RAM in MB that can be used by the build actions on the runner. Can be equal to 0 (unlimited) or greater. |
--concurrent | String | The number of concurrent pipeline runners on the runner. Can be equal to 0 (unlimited) or greater. |
--internal-host | The IP address that will be bound by the runner. Default value: empty (binds to all IP's on the server). | |
--external-host | The external IP address of the server as seen by the primary server. Default value: the first detected external IP address. | |
--runner-internal-port | Number | The listening port of the runner. Can be changed if the port is taken. Must be > 0 or will be ignored. |
--runner-external-port | Number | The external port of the runner to which Buddy self-hosted is connecting. Can be changed if the ports are mapped. Must be > 0 or will be ignored |
--registry-internal-port | Number | The listening port of the registry. Can be changed if the port is taken. Must be > 0 or will be ignored. |
--registry-external-port | Number | The external port of the registry to which Buddy self-hosted is connecting. Can be changed if the ports are mapped. Must be > 0 or will be ignored. |
standalone-host: ""
name: "Runner-1"
tag: "tag-1"
cpus: 4
memory: 2048
shm: 256
concurrent: 4
token: 1a2b3c4d5e
internal-host: ""
external-host: ""
runner-internal-port: 1090
runner-external-port: 1090
registry-internal-port: 1091
registry-external-port: 1091
Last update:
Sep 24, 2024
Sep 24, 2024