Non-interactive mode
Use these commands to install Buddy self-hosted and configure a Let's Encrypt certificate in non-interactive mode.
You can use non-interactive installation to automate provisioning of new instances.
All commands listed in the article must be run as root.
Installation commands
curl -sSL
buddy --yes install
Configuration commands
buddy set smtp --host $HOST_ADDRESS --port $PORT --from $FROM_ADDRESS --user $SMTP_USER --pass $SMTP_PASS
buddy set azure --id $AZURE_ID --secret $AZURE_SECRET
buddy set google --id $GOOGLE_ID --secret $GOOGLE_SECRET
buddy set telegram --name $TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME --token $TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
buddy set shopify --id $SHOPIFY_ID --secret $SHOPIFY_SECRET
buddy set github --id $GITHUB_ID --secret $GITHUB_SECRET --webhook $WEBHOOK_ADDRESS
buddy set digitalocean --id $DIGITALOCEAN_ID --secret $DIGITALOCEAN_SECRET
buddy set bitbucket --id $BITBUCKET_ID --secret $BITBUCKET_SECRET --webhook $WEBHOOK_ADDRESS
buddy set slack --id $SLACK_ID --secret $SLACK_SECRET
buddy set pushbullet --id $PUSHBULLET_ID --secret $PUSHBULLET_SECRET
buddy set gitlab --id $GITLAB_ID --secret $GITLAB_SECRET --webhook $WEBHOOK_ADDRESS
buddy set heroku --id $HEROKU_ID --secret $HEROKU_SECRET
buddy set netlify --id $NETLIFY_ID --secret $NETLIFY_SECRET
buddy set domain $DOMAIN_ADDRESS
buddy set sns --sender $SNS_SENDER_NAME --secret $SNS_SECRET --key $SNS_KEY
buddy set ipsandports --externalip $EXTERNAL_ID --serverip $SERVER_IP --porthttps $HTTPS_PORT --porthttp $HTTP_PORT --portssh $SSH_PORT --portregistry $REGISTRY_PORT
buddy set limits --cpulimit 0 --repomaxsize 100 --executions 4 --actions 4 --memorylimit 2048m
buddy set datapath $INSTALLATION_PATH
buddy set ldap --host $LDAP_HOST --port $LDAP_PORT --ssl="FALSE/TRUE" --user="$LDAP_USER" --pass $LDAP_PASSWORD --filter='$LDAP_FILTER' --base="$LDAP_BASE" --email $LDAP_EMAIL --name $LDAP_NAME
buddy set license $BUDDY_LICENSE_ID
Let's Encrypt certificate configuration
buddy stop
buddy set le --tos --email="$EMAIL_ADDRESS"
buddy start
Last update:
Sep 24, 2024
Sep 24, 2024