Predefined services

Application testing in Buddy is performed in containers with preconfigured testing environment.

To use a database in your tests, you need to copy its hostname and login credentials (depending on the type):

Image loading...MySQL action attached to build

What you need to know

  • Database services can be attached to all types of build actions.
  • Each service runs as a separate container.
  • The containers are run in the same network, so they are accessible from within each other.
  • By default, Buddy pulls the latest version of the service, but you can change it to a specific release if required.

Supported services

You can add up to 5 services to a single build action.

Available options

Depending on the service type, the following options are available:

  • Cache database between pipeline runs – use this option to speed up your builds (not every pipeline run has to seed the database)
  • Allow passing variables to this service – check this option if your service requires data from variables defined in the pipeline. For example, you can send MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_ROOT_USER variables to the official MySQL image in order to configure the image during the start.
  • Create database on startup – creates a fresh instance of the database on every run. Check this option if your framework or tests require an already existing database.
  • Seed database with SQL dump – imports data from the selected SQL dump in the pipeline filesystem
If you want to upload a fresh instance of the database, run the pipeline with the 'Clear cache' flag.

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024