Gatsby CLI / Webpack / Netlify
When this happens...
GitHub Push / Bitbucket Push / Git Push
Then do this...
Gatsby CLI
Automate building Gatsby CLI apps with Webpack and deploy it to Netlify on every push to GitHub, recurrently or manually. Once the deployment is finished, Buddy will automatically push a new release event to NewRelic, DataDog or others and notify your team using Slack, Email or other chat and push notification service.
Set up of the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflow from Git to Netlify with Buddy takes minutes. Build test & deploy Gatsby CLI apps instantly. Turn DevOps into NoOps with Buddy’s automation.
How it Works
- Once a new push to Git is detected, Buddy triggers a new Gatsby CLI build with Webpack if applicable
- The pipeline can be also triggered manually or recurrently
- Once a build is done, Buddy saves it to the pipeline filesystem
- Now deployment action (task) is launched which deploys to Netlify
- Next a notification of new release is pushed to NewRelic, DataDog, Bugsnag, Honeybadger, Raygun, Loggly, Rollbar or Sentry
- When everything is done, your team gets notification using Slack, Email, SMS, Discord, Pushover, Telegram or Pushbullet
What you need
- GitHub / Bitbucket account or any Git server
- Netlify instance
- NewRelic, DataDog, Bugsnag, Honeybadger, Raygun, Loggly, Rollbar or Sentry integration
- A notification service account: Slack, Pushbullet, Discord, Pushover or Telegram