Introduction to OAuth 2.0

Buddy API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. OAuth 2.0 is a protocol that lets external apps request authorization to private details in the user’s data without getting his password. Tokens can be limited to specific types of data, and can be revoked by users at any time. All developers need to register their application before getting started. A registered OAuth application is assigned a unique Client ID and Client Secret. The Client Secret should not be shared.

March 2022 update

To increase security, from March 29, 2022, the tokens in newly created applications automatically expire after 8 hours.

In the old applications, the tokens never expire (just as they did before). If your app uses the old type of tokens, you will see this notice on the application screen:

Image loading...Deprecation notice

Expired tokens can be regenerated using the refresh token. Tokens regenerated for the old type of apps also come with the refresh token, even though they do not expire.

Creating new OAuth app

To start developing, you need to add the application in your profile. The following data is required:

name RequiredThe application name displayed in Buddy.
homepage URL RequiredThe full URL to your application homepage.
authorization callback URL RequiredThe URL in your app where users will be sent after authorization.
descriptionThe description displayed to all users of your application.
logoThe logo displayed on your application list.

Upon adding, the application will contain the Client ID and the Client Secret required for further steps.

Web application flow

1. Redirecting user to address to gain access


GET Parameters

type RequiredStringMust be set to web_server.
client_id RequiredStringClient ID. Received when registering the app.
redirect_uriStringThe redirect_uri parameter is optional. If left out, Buddy will redirect users to the callback URL configured in the OAuth Application settings. If provided, the redirect URL’s host and port must exactly match the callback URL. The redirect URL’s path must reference a subdirectory of the callback URL.
response_type RequiredStringMust be set to code.
scope RequiredStringThe list of scopes; divided with + character.
stateStringAn unguessable random string. It is used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.

The user will receive a website with login form to your Buddy workspace. In the next step he can either allow or revoke access for your app with the required scopes.

2. Receiving authentication code

If the user accepts your application, he gets redirected to redirect_uri (see previous step) with two parameters:

codeStringTo be exchanged for access token in the next step.
stateStringThe state posted before. Must be the same as original. If it’s not the same, you should cancel the authentication process.

3. Exchanging code for access token

In the next step, you need to send the code in the following request:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

POST Parameters

code RequiredStringThe code that you received in the previous step.
client_id RequiredStringClient ID; received during app registration.
client_secret RequiredStringClient Secret; received during app registration.
redirect_uriStringIMPORTANT: This param is required if the redirect_uri parameter is included in the authorization request (as described in this section). Their values must be identical.
grant_type RequiredStringMust be set to authorization_code.

You will receive the following response.

Basic authorization

Authorization is used mainly to test the app by a developer. Only the app developer may authenticate. To retrieve the access token, you need to execute this request:


Attach this HTTP header:

'Authorization: Basic ' + base64(client_id + ':' + client_secret)

POST Parameters

grant_type RequiredStringMust be set to client_credentials.
scope RequiredStringThe list of scopes; divided with space

Authentication response

The method POST will produce a response like this:

{ "access_token": "732e9e20-50ba-4047-8a7b-c9b17259a2a2", "expires_in": 28800, "refresh_token": "p8gUgmrXwe5CT2TMiMMkpIIRlIMlH70aB19dxwGJJkNWp4LthWUjJDmmUmBd7xLPzDq8R5PtCvx0SvAS", "refresh_token_expires_in": 158112000, "token_type": "Bearer" }
access_tokenStringThe token used to authenticate the requests in the API.
expires_inintThe number of seconds in which the access token expires.
refresh_tokenStringRequired to refresh the access token once it expires.
refresh_token_expires_inintThe number of seconds in which the refresh token expires.
token_typeStringThe type of the token (at the moment only bearer is supported by Buddy).

Refreshing tokens

The returned token is used to authenticate when invoking API methods. Keep in mind that tokens created in Buddy before March 29, 2022, never expire. Tokens generated after that date expire in 8 hours from the creation.

If the token expires, the request to the API will return the following response:

401 Unauthorized { "errors": [ { "message": "Wrong authentication data" } ] }

In such case, you need to run this request to refresh it:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

POST Parameters

refresh_tokenStringThe refresh token that you received with the previous token.
client_id RequiredStringClient ID; received during app registration.
client_secret RequiredStringClient Secret; received during app registration.
grant_type RequiredStringMust be set to refresh_token.

You will receive the following response.

  • Refresh tokens are valid for 6 months.
  • A token can be refreshed even if it has not yet expired.
  • The refresh invalidates the current access_token and refresh_token

Supported scopes

WORKSPACEAccess to basic workspace information as well as the rights to manage members, groups and member permissions
PROJECT_DELETEPermission to delete projects.
REPOSITORY_READAccess to commits and repository content. Repository checkout is allowed, too.
REPOSITORY_WRITEPermission to write in the repository. File deletion is allowed, too (contains REPOSITORY_READ rights).
EXECUTION_INFOAccess to executions history.
EXECUTION_RUNPermission to run and stop executions (contains EXECUTION_INFO rights).
EXECUTION_MANAGEPermission to add/edit pipelines (contains EXECUTION_RUN rights).
USER_INFOAccess to base information of the authorized user.
USER_KEYAccess to public SSH keys of authorized user.
USER_EMAILAccess to email list of authorized user.
INTEGRATION_INFOAccess to integration list of authorized user.
MEMBER_EMAILAccess to contact info of workspace members.
MANAGE_EMAILSPermission to view and mange user email addresses (contains USER_EMAIL rights).
WEBHOOK_INFOAccess to webhooks info.
WEBHOOK_ADDPermission to get and add webhooks.
WEBHOOK_MANAGEPermission to add/edit and delete webhooks.
VARIABLE_ADDPermission to get and add environment variables.
VARIABLE_INFOAccess to environment variables' info.
VARIABLE_MANAGEPermission to add/edit and delete environment variables.
TOKEN_INFOAccess to personal access tokens info.
TOKEN_MANAGEPermission to add and delete personal access tokens.

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024