Publish Android Application

  • POST
  • /workspaces
  • /:domain
  • /projects
  • /:project_name
  • /pipelines
  • /:pipeline_id
  • /actions


domainrequired string
The workspace domain.
pipeline_idrequired integer
The numerical ID of the desired pipeline.
project_namerequired string
The name ID of the project.
namerequired string
The name of the action.
typerequired string
The type of the action. Should be set to ANDROID_PUBLISH_APK.
application_idrequired string
The ID of the Android Application.
trackrequired string
The track type to read or modify. Can be one of production, alpha, beta, rollout, internal or custom track as configured in Google Play Console.
apk_filesrequired APKs[]
The list of sets of paths to the APKs.
integration_hashrequired string
The ID of the integration.
draftoptional boolean
Set to true to publish as a draft.
user_fractionoptional float
Portion of the users who should get the staged rollout version of the APK (range 0.0 - 1.0). Required if track is set to rollout.
mapping_pathoptional string
The path to the deobfuscated file of the specified APK.
changes_pathoptional string
The path to the changelog file.
supersede_versionsoptional boolean
Check and disable superseded versions in other tracks (if any).

Last modified on Oct 7, 2024


curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "name": "Publish Android App",
  "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION",
  "application_id": "com.mycompany.mylovelyapp",
  "track": "alpha",
  "user_fraction": 0.05,
  "mapping_path": "",
  "changes_path": "changes.xml",
  "supersede_versions": true,
  "draft": true,
  "variables": [
      "key": "apkPath",
      "value": "my-app-release9.apk"
  "apk_files": [
      "apk_path": "$apkPath",
      "main_expansion_path": "ss",
      "patch_expansion_path": ""
  "integration": {
    "hash_id": "5ddb7c180fb38be67bd78a88a"
{ "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 2, "name": "Publish Android App", "type": "ANDROID_PUBLISH_APK", "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION", "last_execution_status": "INITIAL", "application_id": "com.mycompany.mylovelyapp", "track": "alpha", "user_fraction": 0.05, "mapping_path": "", "changes_path": "changes.xml", "supersede_versions": true, "draft": true, "variables": [ { "key": "apkPath", "value": "my-app-release9.apk" } ], "apk_files": [ { "apk_path": "$apkPath", "main_expansion_path": "ss", "patch_expansion_path": "" } ], "integration": { "hash_id": "5ddb7c180fb38be67bd78a88a" }, "pipeline": { "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 2, "name": "Live mirror", "on": "CLICK", "refs": [ "refs/heads/master" ], "last_execution_status": "SUCCESSFUL", "last_execution_revision": "506a3963507943d6908154f4bc9646e829128a08" } }
201 Created
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 1 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 999