Ghost Inspector

  • POST
  • /workspaces
  • /:domain
  • /projects
  • /:project_name
  • /pipelines
  • /:pipeline_id
  • /actions


domainrequired string
The workspace domain.
pipeline_idrequired integer
The numerical ID of the desired pipeline.
project_namerequired string
The name ID of the project.
namerequired string
The name of the action.
typerequired string
The type of the action. Should be set to GHOST_INSPECTOR.
integrationrequired Integration
The integration.
useroptional string
The name to associate with the event.
passwordoptional string
The password to associate with the event.
immediateoptional boolean
Use to initiate the execution, then immediate return a response (without results).
disable_notificationsoptional boolean
Use to disable all notifications for this execution only.
regionoptional string
Geo-location for test execution. The following options are available: us-east-1, us-west-1, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, eu-north-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-south-1, sa-east-1.
browseroptional string
Alternate browser to use for this execution. The following options are available: firefox (default), firefox-<version> specific version of Firefox, for example firefox-57, chrome (paid plans only), phantomjs.
suite_idoptional string
The ID of the suite to execute.
folder_idoptional string
The ID of the folder to execute.
channeloptional string
Specify the Slack channel to notify for this suite run. Note that the value must be myChannel or %23myChannel and not #myChannel.
viewportoptional string
Alternate screen size to use for all tests in this execution only. This should be a string formatted as {width}x{height}, for example 1024x768.
data_fileoptional string
A CSV file containing a row of variable values for each suite run. A POST request must be used when sending this file. When included, an array of suite results will be returned instead of an array of test result.
start_urloptional string
Alternate start URL to use for all tests in this execution only.
user_agentoptional string
Alternate user agent to use for all tests in this execution only.

Last modified on Sep 27, 2024


curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "name": "Ghost Inspector Action",
  "type": "GHOST_INSPECTOR",
  "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION",
  "variables": [
      "key": "filePath",
      "value": "variable.csv"
  "user": "username",
  "password": "ha16@sdharj21529aA==",
  "immediate": false,
  "disable_notifications": false,
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "browser": "opera",
  "suite_id": "5c9ca42171f823532163ef760",
  "suite_name": "buddy-tests",
  "folder_id": "5cd019551a5fads555105142",
  "channel": "slack_channel_name",
  "viewport": "5c9ca42171f8231b363ef760",
  "data_file": "$filePath",
  "start_url": "",
  "user_agent": "usernameghost",
  "integration": {
    "hash_id": "5ddb7c180fb38be67bd78a88a"
{ "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 1, "name": "Ghost Inspector Action", "type": "GHOST_INSPECTOR", "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION", "variables": [ { "key": "filePath", "value": "variable.csv" } ], "user": "username", "password": "secure!eJ03wJFPIF+VUuGhrawiUWA==", "immediate": false, "disable_notifications": false, "region": "us-east-1", "browser": "opera", "suite_id": "5c9ca42171f823532163ef760", "suite_name": "buddy-tests", "folder_id": "5cd019551a5fads555105142", "channel": "slack_channel_name", "viewport": "5c9ca42171f8231b363ef760", "data_file": "$filePath", "start_url": "", "user_agent": "usernameghost", "integration": { "url": "", "html_url": "", "hash_id": "5ddb7c180fb38be67bd78a88a" }, "pipeline": { "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 1, "name": "test server", "on": "CLICK", "refs": [ "refs/heads/master" ], "last_execution_status": "SUCCESSFUL", "last_execution_revision": "506a3963507943d6908154f4bc9646e829128a08" } }
201 Created
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 1 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 999