
  • POST
  • /workspaces
  • /:domain
  • /projects
  • /:project_name
  • /pipelines
  • /:pipeline_id
  • /actions


domainrequired string
The workspace domain.
pipeline_idrequired integer
The numerical ID of the desired pipeline.
project_namerequired string
The name ID of the project.
namerequired string
The name of the action.
typerequired string
The type of the action. Should be set to AZURE.
push_urlrequired string
The url to the repository.
git_auth_moderequired string
The authentication mode for Git Push. Should always be set to HTTP.
loginoptional string
The username required to connect to the server.
passwordoptional string
The password required to connect to the server.
use_custom_gitignoreoptional boolean
When set to false the push will ignore paths listed in .gitignore file.
isolatedoptional boolean
When set to true, action will push only repository files (without artifacts).
target_branchoptional string
Defines the remote branch to which the push will be performed. If empty, files will be pushed to the same branch.
deployment_excludesoptional string[]
The paths and/or files that will be left out during the push. Only works when use_custom_gitignore is set to true.
deployment_includesoptional string[]
The exceptions from the ignore patterns set in deployment_excludes.
without_forceoptional boolean
Defines whether the --force flag should be used when invoking the git push command or not.

Last modified on Oct 7, 2024


curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "name": "Push to Your Repo",
  "type": "AZURE",
  "git_auth_mode": "HTTP",
  "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION",
  "push_url": "",
  "login": "api_tests_user",
  "password": "api_tests_password",
  "isolated": true,
  "target_branch": "stage",
  "deployment_excludes": [
  "deployment_includes": [
{ "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 851, "name": "Push to Your Repo", "type": "AZURE", "git_auth_mode": "HTTP", "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION", "last_execution_status": "INITIAL", "deployment_excludes": [ "/tmp/", "*.log" ], "deployment_includes": [ "/assets/style", "/tmp/file.txt" ], "login": "api_tests_user", "push_url": "", "push_tags": true, "pipeline": { "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 2, "name": "Live mirror", "on": "CLICK", "refs": [ "refs/heads/master" ], "last_execution_status": "SUCCESSFUL", "last_execution_revision": "506a3963507943d6908154f4bc9646e829128a08" } }
201 Created
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 1 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 999