SSH command (Password)

  • POST
  • /workspaces
  • /:domain
  • /projects
  • /:project_name
  • /pipelines
  • /:pipeline_id
  • /actions


domainrequired string
The workspace domain.
pipeline_idrequired integer
The numerical ID of the desired pipeline.
project_namerequired string
The name ID of the project.
namerequired string
The name of the action.
typerequired string
The type of the action. Should be set to SSH_COMMAND.
authentication_moderequired string
The authentication mode for SSH. Should be set to PASS.
commandsrequired string
The array of commands invoked on the remote server.
hostrequired string
The host for the connection.
loginrequired string
The username required to connect to the server.
passwordrequired string
The password required to connect to the server.
portrequired string
The port for the connection.
run_as_scriptoptional boolean
If set to true, commands are executed as a regular script. If set to false, the commands will be executed one by one, in non-interactive mode.
shelloptional string
The name of the shell that will be used to execute commands. Can be one of SH (default) or BASH.
working_directoryoptional string
The absolute or relative path on the remote server.
execute_every_commandoptional boolean
If set to true all commands will be executed regardless of the result of the previous command.

Last modified on Oct 7, 2024


curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "name": "Execute commands on localhost",
  "type": "SSH_COMMAND",
  "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION",
  "authentication_mode": "PASS",
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": "22",
  "login": "api_tests_user",
  "password": "api_tests_password",
  "working_directory": "/",
  "shell": "SH",
  "run_as_script": true,
  "ignore_errors": true,
  "commands": [
    "npm prune",
    "npm install --silent"
{ "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 2, "name": "Execute commands on localhost", "type": "SSH_COMMAND", "trigger_time": "ON_EVERY_EXECUTION", "last_execution_status": "INITIAL", "working_directory": "/", "shell": "SH", "run_as_script": true, "ignore_errors": true, "login": "root", "host": "localhost", "port": "22", "authentication_mode": "PASS", "commands": [ "npm prune", "npm install --silent" ], "pipeline": { "url": "", "html_url": "", "id": 2, "name": "Live mirror", "on": "CLICK", "refs": [ "refs/heads/master" ], "last_execution_status": "SUCCESSFUL", "last_execution_revision": "506a3963507943d6908154f4bc9646e829128a08" } }
201 Created
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 1 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 999