Git LFS workaround

Currently, Buddy does not support the Git LFS extension natively. However, you can still work with repositories that require this extension to download files.

Follow these steps:

  1. Add the Local Shell action to your pipeline.
  2. Go to the Environment tab and enter these commands in the terminal in the Environment section:
apt-get update apt-get -y install git curl curl -s | bash apt-get -y install git-lfs$$$$
  1. Switch to the Run tab and enter these commands in the terminal:
ssh-keyscan -H > /root/.ssh/known_hosts git lfs pull$$
  1. Click Add this action to save the changes and add the action to your pipeline.
  2. Go to the Variables tab, open id_project and copy the public key.
  3. Add the copied public key to the project in your Git provider.

Last modified on Sep 23, 2024