
Articles on using Buddy in CI/CD

How to automate Python/Flask deployment to Azure App Service

How to automate Python/Flask deployment to Azure App Service

This article will tell you how to set up a delivery pipeline to Azure App Service on the example of a simple Flask application.

How to build and deploy React.js with no downtime

How to build and deploy React.js with no downtime

Learn how to create a zero-downtime delivery pipeline for React apps in the accompanying guide to our first webinar.

How to create a blog with Gatsby and upload it to a server

How to create a blog with Gatsby and upload it to a server

Learn how to create a Gatsby blog from scratch and configure a pipeline that will build and deploy it to Netlify.

How to automate deployments to Shopify stores

How to automate deployments to Shopify stores

Learn how to automate deployments to your Shopify store and set up a staging environment to preview changes.

How to build and deploy Docker containers to Azure Container Instances

How to build and deploy Docker containers to Azure Container Instances

Learn how to build Docker images from your apps, publish them to ACR, and deploy to ACI.

The simple guide to test automation

The simple guide to test automation

Learn how to write tests with Cypress and automatically run them on every change to code.

How to integrate AWS CodeCommit with Buddy

How to integrate AWS CodeCommit with Buddy

Learn how to properly integrate a CodeCommit repository and configure a webhook that will trigger deployments from Buddy.

Production-grade CI/CD for React.js apps

Production-grade CI/CD for React.js apps

Learn how to easily test, build and deploy React apps to AWS services with Buddy's pipelines.