Target permissions

The Permissions tab allows you to manage user/group access to specific targets. It enables you to define what actions users assigned to a particular target are allowed to perform.

Image loading...Permissions tab

Available roles:

Two roles are available: Manage and Use, which define different levels of permissions.

  1. Manage – Users with the Manage role have full control over the target. They can:

    • Edit all target settings.
    • Delete targets.
    • Manage user permissions
  2. Use – Users with this role have access to utilize the target, but their management capabilities are limited. They can:

    • Add the target to actions.
    • View target settings.
    • Test targets' connection.

    Use users cannot edit and delete the target.

Inline targets

Targets created as part of actions in the pipeline do not have a Permissions tab. Access to such targets is automatically granted to all users who have the appropriate access rights to the project or pipeline.

Image loading...Inline target example

Managing groups and users

  • In targets defined at the workspace level, you can add both individual users and entire groups.
  • In targets assigned to a project, it is not possible to add groups—only individual users can be assigned.
  • In a pipeline, access to the target is managed automatically and is based on the roles assigned to users in that pipeline.

Image loading...Role assignment

The Permissions tab allows you to customize user access levels for a specific target. This ensures that users with the Use role can work with targets within projects without the risk of accidentally modifying the configuration. On the other hand, users with the Manage role have full control over the target's configuration and access permissions for others.

Last modified on Jan 29, 2025