New action: New Relic CLI

New action: New Relic CLI

In response to developer demand, we again expand the roster of CLI actions – this time with New Relic, a popular monitor & debug system for web engineers.

What you need to know

The new action lets you execute any command against the New Relic platform. The commands are run in a Linux container launched from a Docker image with pre-installed newrelic-cli.

To use the action, you first need to integrate Buddy with your New Relic account in the Integrations tab:

Image loading...New Relic in integrations

If you already use the original New Relic action for deployment monitoring, the integration will already be in place to use.

Once configured, you can add the action from the Performance & App Monitoring section of the list:

Image loading...New Relic CLI in action roster

The last step is defining the commands that Buddy will run on pipeline execution:

Image loading...Action configuration details

Head to the official New Relic CLI documentation to check all commands you can use.
Buddy is 100% customer-driven. Let us know what integrations you need to take your automation game to the next level! If there’s a feature or integration you miss, talk to us on the live chat or drop us a line at
Octavia Dobrowolska

Octavia Dobrowolska

Customer Success Specialist

Jun 15th 2023