New feature: Exclude files from ignore paths

October 2, 2018

New feature: Exclude files from ignore paths

Although Buddy's actions are preconfigured, this doesn't mean it gives you any less control over your workflow. In fact, each action can be fully modified, allowing you to change the Docker image, install packages required by your app, attach databases, and so on.

Pipeline examplePipeline example

In case of deployment actions, you can select source and remote paths, select the revision on the server so that you don't have to upload everything from scratch, but also use ignore patterns to exclude files from upload. Let's have a closer look at that last feature now.

Action optionsAction options

Use Case 1

Let's say you have an assets directory with .PNG files that you want to update. However, you don't want to update any other .PNG files from your repository. In this case you can do as follows:

  1. Click More options to expand Ignore Paths
  2. Add *.png to the ignore box
  3. Add assets to the exclude box

Use Case 2

Here we have a repository with multiple directories, but we only want to deploy from two of them.

  1. Click More options to expand Ignore Paths
  2. Add * to the ignore box to leave out all directories
  3. In the exclude box, add the paths to the folders you want to deploy
Until now, this could be achieved with two deployment actions and setting an individual source path for each. However, this wasn't possible for AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Deployment to Lambda actions.


configall files named 'config'
*.pngall PNG files
/configall files named 'config' located in the ROOT directory
config/all directories named 'config' together with their contents
/config/the directory named 'config' located in the ROOT directory together with their contents
dir/name*all files starting with 'name' in 'dir' folder
/dir/name*all files starting with 'name' in 'dir' folder located in the ROOT directory
test*all files starting with 'test'
test*/all directories starting with 'test'
/test*/all directories starting with 'test' located in the ROOT directory

All syntax patterns are available in-app under ? by the ignore box:

Ignore pathsIgnore paths

Buddy is 100% customer driven. If there’s a feature or integration you miss, let us know in the comments below or directly at


Alexander Kus

Alexander Kus

Customer Success Manager

A story-teller and conversation-lover, Alexander decided to invest his skills to help his friends at Buddy transform the cold language of patch notes into exciting narratives. Also: an avid gamer, hip-hop DJ, Liverpool FC fan, absentminded husband, and the father of two.