Introducing: excludes for data synchronization in VM actions

Introducing: excludes for data synchronization in VM actions

To give you even more freedom in defining your workflows, we added the option to exclude specific paths, files, or file types that are a part of the initially defined synchronization scope.

All actions from the VM category offer synchronization with the pipeline's filesystem at two points in time:

  • before the action is run
  • after the action is run

The scope of the synchronization is defined by choosing the paths which are subject to the synchronization.

What you need to know

  • This feature is available for all actions from the Virtual Machine category.
  • You can define multiple excludes for every synchronization path.

How it works

To try this feature out, add one of the actions from the Virtual Machine category to your pipeline:

Image loading...Virtual Machine actions

Switch to the action's second tab to adjust the synchronization paths. Click the hamburger icon to show additional options and select "Ignore" to start defining the paths, files, or file types you want to exclude from the synchronization process.

Image loading...Linux action config with the Ignore button

Now you can choose the files you want to use in your builds with the precision of a sniper! šŸŽÆ

Image loading...Defining excludes

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Tomek Papiernik

Tomek Papiernik

Technical Writer

A philologist with a knack for technology, a technical writer by trade. Dedicated himself to guiding his audience through the labyrinths of technology using everything at hand to make the journey smooth and fruitful. In his spare time, he's an amateur musician dreaming of recording a platinum album.

Dec 15th 2021