Grab a Buddy hoodie in a bag o'goodies!

Grab a hoodie in a bag o'goodies!

Create a short story on Buddy and get a gift pack with quality DevOps merch.

Why it's worth it?

Mind-blowing SWAG

Our exclusive sweatshirt provides instant +10 DevOps skill points, immunity to accidental deployments, and guaranteed giveaways at every dev conference.

Community respect

The best articles will be published on our blog, and shared in the newsletter and on our social channels, reaching over 100K developers in total.

What you
need to do

  • 1.

    Create a short story

    Write an article or record a YouTube video showing how Buddy helps you in your everyday work as a developer. English is not required – you can stick to your native language if you want.

    The story should contain:

    • A short description of your stack (frameworks, tools, etc.)
    • The list of problems that Buddy helped you solve
    • At least one example of Buddy pipeline
    • (Optional) A comparison with other CI/CD tools
  • 3.

    Share it with your followers

    Share the URL to your creation on Twitter with #BuddyGit hashtag.

  • 4.

    Fill the form

    Complete the form so we can send you the gift pack.

    Paste the URL to your publication:

    Choose hoodie size

    Enter shipping details:

    * indicates required field

  • 5.

    Wait for the package

    Once we receive your work, we will check if it meets the requirements. If everything is okay, we will send the goodie bag to the address defined in the form. Looking forward to seeing your stories! ♥