New action: Deployment to UpCloud

January 16, 2019

New action: Deployment to UpCloud

In response to the already huge number of requests from our users, we're happy to deliver a dedicated integration with the UpCloud hosting services

UpCloud provides cloud infrastructure renowned for its high-performance, scalability and friendly approach towards developer needs. You can find the new integration in the IaaS section of Buddy's actions:

IAAS deployment actionsIAAS deployment actions

Creating a user account

Before you can start deploying, you first need to register an UpCloud user account. Go to the People tab and click Add:

UpCloud 'People' tabUpCloud 'People' tab

Make sure to check the API connections checkbox when creating the account:

Setting permissions in UpCloudSetting permissions in UpCloud

Once you fill all the fields, click Save.


To add the action to your pipeline, look it up in the action list. Once the pop-up appears, enter the name of the integration, the name of the user account that you created earlier, and the password to your UpCloud account:

Adding UpCloud integration in BuddyAdding UpCloud integration in Buddy

Select the server to which you want to deploy and provide authentication details. If you are using build actions in your pipeline, make sure to select the Filesystem as the source to deploy artifacts and processed files:

UpCloud action detailsUpCloud action details

That's it – you can now deploy files to your favourite cloud provider. 😊

Pipeline examplePipeline example

If you'd like to learn how to authenticate with SSH keys, check out the awesome tutorial on the official UpCloud blog!
Buddy is 100% customer driven. If there’s a feature or integration you miss, let us know in the comments below or directly at


Alexander Kus

Alexander Kus

Customer Success Manager

A story-teller and conversation-lover, Alexander decided to invest his skills to help his friends at Buddy transform the cold language of patch notes into exciting narratives. Also: an avid gamer, hip-hop DJ, Liverpool FC fan, absentminded husband, and the father of two.