New feature: Version History for Pipelines

The core principle of Continuous Delivery is to version everything and everywhere: not only the source code, but also things like configuration files or SQL's used for database migration. In 2017, we introduced YAML configuration for pipelines, enabling you to store pipeline configuration in the repo as buddy.yml. This way developers could easily track the changes to their workflow.

Today we add the option to browse pipeline history in projects configured with the GUI.

Pipeline history

In contemporary development projects are constantly evolving, with the changes reflected in the pipeline structure. In the constant search for the perfect workflow, new actions are being added, existing modified, and those not used anymore removed. However, sometimes things go south, and then knowing who made the changes and where can help a lot.

The history of pipelines is available in the pipeline settings (please mind you need to have admin rights to access the version history):

Image loading...Pipeline settings

The section lists consecutive revisions of configuration changes:

Image loading...Version history

Once you click a revision, you will see the diff with changes, and the YAML file with the current configuration:

Image loading...Pipeline revision

You can copy the contents of YAML to buddy.yml and push it to the repository to reproduce configuration in a given revision. Click here to learn more about configuration-as-code.

Environment Variables History

Environment variables allow developers to manage sensitive data and customize the way how pipelines work. However, changes even to a single variable can disrupt the whole workflow, so it's good to have the working version at hand.

The history of ENV VAR changes is available in the project's Activity tab. There you can see which variables have been added, modified, or deleted, which developer is responsible, and, if the variable is not encrypted, what is the new value it carries.

Image loading...ENV VARs history

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Jarek Dylewski

Jarek Dylewski

Customer Support

A journalist and an SEO specialist trying to find himself in the unforgiving world of coders. Gamer, a non-fiction literature fan and obsessive carnivore. Jarek uses his talents to convert the programming lingo into a cohesive and approachable narration.

Mar 28th 2019