September 5, 2016

Changelog: September 6, 2016

Today's update brings a serious package of bug fixes, new features and improvements. For example, you can now ship code from GitHub Enterprise and deploy it to Google Cloud Storage, and the GitLab On-Premises integration is already lurking around the corner (yikes!).

Oh, almost forgot: the standalone version of Buddy is now officially available for download ;)


New features

  • Buddy Enterprise (On-Premises) officially released
  • Added integration with GitHub Enterprise (GitLab On-Premises coming up soon)
  • New deployment action: deploy to Google Cloud Storage.
  • It's now possible to deactivate an action in the pipeline if you don't want to run it on specific release. You can turn it back on anytime when you're ready.
  • You can now search for paths in the repository with the new improved Search Tool™.
  • It's now possible to set the working directory in a build action and specify both the path for the cloned repo and the path where your commands will be executed


  • You can now deploy individual files from Source
  • Removed the On Success action type. If you'd like to run an action on condition the previous was successful, just add it after that action.
  • The commit prompt is always visibile in the code editor - there's no need to edit the file to make it appear
  • Improved security measures against CSRF
  • Switching between projects from the sidebar will remember your current view, eg. if you were browsing code in project X you will land on the code browser view in project Y, too.


  • There was a problem with sending web hooks containing @ in the URL path. Fixed
  • When cloning a pipeline with deployment actions the sourcePath was not carried over. Fixed
  • Fixed bug with deployment from the filesystem if there was no build action in the pipeline
  • Fixed bug with git pull no longer working in the filesystem upon changing the workspace name
  • Branches deleted in Bitbucket will now no longer be displayed in the list of branches in Buddy
  • Fixed bug with webhooks sending wrong status on started executions in the payload


Alexander Kus

Alexander Kus

Customer Success Manager

A story-teller and conversation-lover, Alexander decided to invest his skills to help his friends at Buddy transform the cold language of patch notes into exciting narratives. Also: an avid gamer, hip-hop DJ, Liverpool FC fan, absentminded husband, and the father of two.