October 10, 2016


It's been almost one year since Buddy was released and we don't even think of slowing down the tempo. Here's the most important stuff from this week's release:

  • banner notifications for your mobile devices and browser
  • .NET, Python, Go, Elixir and Gradle build actions
  • newsletter to your inbox with new features and latest changes
  • release number added to changelog versioning

Expect dedicated articles on Buddy's features on the blog in the weeks to come.

One Love! <3 Alexander alexander@buddy.works

New features

  • Badges for branches and pipelines
  • Integration with Pushbullet and Pushover
  • Environment variables
  • Slack attachments
  • Pipeline reports
  • New build actions: .NET, Python, Go, Elixir and Gradle


  • Refurbished pricing scheme with new $25 tier
  • Optimized executions for shorter release time
  • You can now display password when adding a server
  • Wildcard labels now appear on the execution list
  • You can now view the repository version in the filesystem
  • Changing the branch on the pipeline view now requires confirmation
  • You will now be notified if an integration token expires and token refresh didn't work
  • [Buddy Enterprise] SMTP requires email address from which the messages will be sent


  • On rare occasions if the SSH action has failed, 'null' appeared instead of the error message. Fixed.
  • Fixed error with removing projects that shared submodules with other projects in the account.
  • A while ago Docker Hub was unavailable which produced an error that you were reporting. We have served that.
  • Fixed error with "Name already taken" when saving changes to permission sets.


Alexander Kus

Alexander Kus

Customer Success Manager

A story-teller and conversation-lover, Alexander decided to invest his skills to help his friends at Buddy transform the cold language of patch notes into exciting narratives. Also: an avid gamer, hip-hop DJ, Liverpool FC fan, absentminded husband, and the father of two.