
Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.

Apr 7th 2020

v2.3.26 (07-04-2020)

New Features

  • Webhook logging - the webhooks that you receive from your Git provider are now logged in the Repository tab of the project options. This option is especially useful when diagnosing why your pipelines are not triggering despite pushes to the selected provider.


  • [Upload to SFTP] The transfer speed of large files to an SFTP is now 10 to 20 times faster (!)
  • [Security] It is now required to confirm your email before accessing the workspace and pushing code to Buddy Git hosting
  • The invoker for executions triggered with pull requests in automatic mode is now being set properly
  • When accessing Buddy via GitHub or Bitbucket, your username will now be the same as in your Git provider account
  • Webhook response logging - until now, only the sent payload was saved. From now on, Buddy also logs body and headers of the provided response
  • New Features
  • Improvements