Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.
Sep 26th 2017
New features
- Artifacts and static files are now marked with a special icon in the Filesystem. This way you can easily see which files have been created or processed by build actions, which are the same as in the repository, and which have been manually uploaded to the filesystem
- From now on password reset and invite URLs have a live time value set to 24h and 7 days respectively
- You can now set
flag in YAML and API configuration. Normally, if there's more than one execution queued for 1 pipeline, only the newest one is run and the rest is skipped. This option lets you force all executions one by one - Heroku CLI action can be now run pipelines with branch assignment set to 'None'
- Website monitoring now ignores certificate errors. This means you can now monitor staging websites with self-signed certificates\
- Added invoice number to the Billing tab. The number has replaced the issue date as the URL to the invoice
- SSH keys defined in build actions were being uploaded to
directory by default. Since a user doesn't have to be the root in the container, the keys are now uploaded to~/.ssh
- Slack service library upgraded to v1.5.1
- Lockback service library upgraded to v1.2.3
- [Enterprise] buddy/front base image upgraded from node:6.11.1-alpine to 6-alpine
- [Enterprise] buddy/redis base image upgraded from redis:3.2.8-alpine to 3.2-alpine
- [Enterprise] buddy/mongo base image upgraded from mongo:3.4.2 to 3.4
- [Enterprise] buddy/mariadb base image upgraded from mariadb:10.1.21 to 10.1
- [Enterprise] buddy/haproxy base image upgraded from haproxy:1.5.18-alpine to 1.5-alpine
- [Enterprise] buddy/utility base image upgraded from golang:1.6.2-alpine to 1.9-alpine
- [Enterprise] buddy/utility-update base image upgraded from golang:1.6.2-alpine to 1.9-alpine
- [Enterprise] buddy/sandbox-routing base image upgraded from node:6.10.2-alpine to 6-alpine
- New features •
- Improvements •
- Bugfixes •
- Updates •
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