
Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.

May 9th 2023


  • Pipelines: You can now exclude all types of actions on manual run (on failure, on warning, etc.)
  • Variables: max variable length increased to 100k
  • Added support for ANSI colors in action logs
  • [On-Premises] You can now set max log size with buddy set logs-limit command
  • [On-Premises] You can now manage standalone administrators in the About tab of the on-premises admin settings


  • It is now possible to delete projects with private integrations added by other users
  • [REST API] Project fetch pagination is now working properly for requests with no admin rights
  • Users do not belong to a project but do belong to a group with access rights to a pipeline in that project can now properly access the pipeline
  • DevOps
  • On-Premises
  • Variables