
Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.

Feb 20th 2018

v2.0.10 (20-02-2018)

New Features


  • Action upgrade: SSH v2.0 – New run mode (run as a shell script) & live logs
  • Upon triggering an execution without a cache, the build command in the Build Docker Image action is run with --no-cache parameter by default
  • 'Packages and Setup Commands' have been renamed to 'Environment Customization'. We have changed that because many users were performing operations reserved for the main commands, such as downloading dependencies (composer install / npm install)
  • [Sandboxes] User-friendly domains: the URL to the sandbox is now generated using the name of the project and branch


  • Fixed bug with deployments with a large number of files finishing as failed
  • New Features
  • Improvements
  • Bugfixes