Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.
Dec 20th 2022
- Rollbar, Pushbullet, Sentry, and Datadog Service Check can now be tested before adding
- [Copy Files] It is now possible to select the target pipeline for the files
- [Slack] Pipelines waiting for approval/variables can be terminated using Slack commands
- [DigitalOcean Spaces] New version
- [Sign APK Bundle] New version
- [Google Cloud Functions] New runtimes added
- [Custom Actions] The order of tabs now correctly matches the order defined in
- Changesets in trigger conditions weren’t properly calculated in some cases
- Pipelines with clear cache enabled in some cases had their cache cleared twice
- [Buddy Self-Hosted] In rare cases, pulling images from public registries other than Docker Hub was failing
- Android •
- Buddy v2.0 •
- Datadog •
- DigitalOcean •
- Pushbullet •
- Rollbar •
- rsync •
- Sentry •
- Slack •
- On-premises •
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