
Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.

Dec 5th 2017

New features

  • Trigger conditions in actions
  • New integration: DigitalOcean Spaces
  • New integration: Vultr
  • New integration: Honeybadger


  • The filesystem type in the Docker Build action has been changed from AUFS to overlay2. This has solved the problems reported by some of our clients and speeded up the action up to 3 times
  • You can now precisely schedule build execution in recurrent pipelines settings
  • Buddy parameters are now supported in the working directory of the SSH action and the target branch field of the Git push action
  • Removing pipelines with monitoring actions could be very time-consuming due to the time needed for executions removal. We have fixed the indexing and reduced it to a couple of milliseconds at most
  • The timeout for GitLab connections has been prolonged to 5 minutes (the response time from GitLab can be very long which sometimes made the integration to crash)
  • It is now possible to look up pipelines on the Table view


  • Fixed namespace support in methods checking the job status in the Run Job (K8s & GKE)
  • Projects to which you don't have permissions in the Deploy to Google App Engine action will no longer be listed
  • New features
  • Improvements
  • Bugfixes